Shut up and ski


To make a difference

Every year, Eskimo Escapades brings athletes, water enthusiasts, families and friends together for a cold winter day skiing, wakeboarding, tubing and boating on the Tennessee River. Proceeds raised from the event benefit the Patricia Neal IRC, Adventure Amputee Camp and the Dream Connection. 

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Honor Joyce Kaye

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Volunteers & Participants

Dollars Raised This Year

Who We Support

Patricia Neal IRC

Innovation is new and creative ways in which individuals with a disability are able to participate. Recreation is the medium that is used to enhance education and awareness of the participants. Cooperative is the group of individuals who support, nurture, and mentor using their expertise and talents to make the clinic a success.

Adventure Amputee Camp

The mission of the Adventure Amputee Camp is to encourage children with amputations or limb differences to stretch their potential and imagination, and explore all that is possible. Depending on the season, camp activities may include river rafting, high ropes, water skiing or snow skiing and snow boarding.

Dream Connection

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to fulfilling the special dreams of children ages 3-18 who are faced with life threatening or chronically debilitating illnesses in the East Tennessee area. A “dream come true” to a child can give back, in some small way, that which disease and illness have taken away.

Get Involved Throughout the Year

The Eskimo Escapades event is our largest fundraiser, but we know how to have fun throughout the year. Whether you are interested in watersports, shooting, climbing, biking or snowskiing, we are likely hosting an event to help you take your skill to the next level.   


Make An Impact

All donations go directly to benefit three great organizations.

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Our Top Priorities

Eskimo Escapades supports the Patricia Neal IRC, Adventure Amputee Camp and Dream Connection. Together these organizations work diligently to promote education and community through recreational activities. 


Education to teach leisure skills to enhance quality of life in a safe environment and Awareness to heighten the understanding of disabilities to the community.


Promote education and awareness through recreation activities such as water skiing, snow skiing, paddling, cycling, climbing, marksmanship, and golf.


We aim to be resource center for contacts to recreation within venues in the community.


Encourage all to stretch their potential and imagination, and explore all that is possible.


Provide opportunities to connect while doing activities and learning new skills. 

Make a Donation

Remembering Joyce Kaye

Joyce Kaye was a friend, mother and warm, welcoming face to so many of us. If you would like to make a donation in her honor, please use the link below.

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Upcoming Events



Ski at Ward Point

Join us for a day of skiing and watersports in Dandridge, Tennessee.  



Ski at Lenoir City

Join us for a day of skiing and watersports in Lenoir City.   



Adventure Amputee Camp

AAC’S Summer Camp is held in the mountains of North Carolina (Bryson City) for 5 days during the 2nd week in July – lodging is at the beautiful Nantahala Outdoor Center.   More Details

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